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yootheme 公司的产品,zoo的组件是免费的,其在zoo基础上定制的各行业应用(APP,暂译作应用)是收费的
简单来说,zoo就是你想要文章显示些什么就可以显示些什么!比如一家中西日式餐厅,可以给每一样菜品定义如下参数:中文名、英文名、日文名、价格、图片、等等。再例如一双鞋子,你可以设置每款鞋的颜色、尺码等,让浏览者在前台过滤他需要看的颜色、尺码的鞋子。从某种意义上讲,你可以给每篇文章(item) 定义无数个参数,当然多级分类就更不用担心了,完美支持无限级分类。
目前官方开发的应用(APP)有Product Catalog、Download Archive、Business Directory、Movie Database、Cookbook、Documentation,当然你如果懂重CSS,完全可以依托默认的blog APP,定制出属于自己的应用!然后打包这个应用再导出成zip,相比K2,它的特点就是自由度极高,换句话说joomla是一个开源平台,那么zoo 就是寄生在joomla身上的开源平台,目前没有中文汉化版,不过相较起来后台专业英语比较简单,基本上可以执行。当然有语言包,用户完全可以自行汉化。
What is ZOO?
Introducing Content Applications
What does "Content Application Builder" mean? A content application (or in short: app) has its own application parameters. It has its own templates. Each template again has its own template parameters. Further a content app has its own types, items, categories, feeds, etc. It can even have its own elements. One of the great things is while you are working inside an app you are only seeing the content like items and categories of this particular app and it's not mixed up with other apps. This gives you a much better workflow when working with your content. We also wanted to make these apps exportable so that it is very easy to share apps among each other. So we implemented an installation manager which allows you to uninstall and install new apps. Also it was essential to us to make an app extendable. Finally apps became small extensions for ZOO. You can do anything by extending your app!
Let’s start with an example!
Imagine you are setting up a new website and need a private blog. When you create the blog a new section will appear where you can manage your private blog with its own items, categories and content. After a few days you decided to start blogging about your business and you don’t want to mix it up with your private blog stuff. Again you can easily create a new blog and another section will appear where you can write articles about your business. This is great! You have 2 instances of the blog application and each instance manages its own stuff. A couple of weeks later you want to add your wines and electronics and make it a browseable catalog. Again you can create two separate instances of the product catalog app. One for wines and the other for electronics. In general you can create multiple instances of every app in Zoo 2.0.
The App Instances
Normally you will spend most time working inside an app instance to create and manage your content. So let’s go back to our example. We created 2 instances of the blog app. In the configuration of each blog you can choose which template should be used to display the content. Further you can configure some global settings for example for the RSS feed and comments. In each blog instance you can manage its own content. This means each blog has its own frontpage, categories, items, comments and tags. And you can manage all this content in the blog instance. The same goes for the 2 product catalogs. But the big difference between the blogs and catalogs is that they are instances of different apps. This means they have for example different templates and settings to fit their specific needs. Let’s take a look at the core part: the apps itself!
The Apps
In ZOO 2.0 apps are small ZOO extensions which are developed for a specific purpose like a blog, a product catalog, a download archive and more. Further each app comes with it's own templates which can be assigned to each app instance individually. Every template loads its own assets like images, CSS or JavaScript. Templates include sub templates for all app views like the frontpage, category and item. We also have to introduce a new core concept for the templates: the layouts! Layouts are responsible to render items with its element positions. Element positions are similar to the module positions in Joomla templates. Each layout has it's own set of element positions. So when you create your types you can drag ‘n drop the elements on the element positions provided by the template. In ZOO 1.0 you had to edit your template to render an element. This is no longer necessary. Just drag ’n drop them on the element positions. This is awesome! Another new feature of the template engine are global template parameters. Each template has its own set of parameters. When you create an app instance you can set the global template parameters in the configuration. These global parameters will be used by default but the template engine allows you to set them individually for the frontpage, each category and item. You know this concept from Joomla! but we improved it a little bit.
Next important parts of an app are the types. We introduced the types and elements concept with ZOO 1.0 as Content Construction Kit (CCK). It allows you to create your very own custom content types which mean you can select the exact elements the type should consist of, like text, images or many more. Later when creating new items in your app instance you choose which type the item should be. For the blog app for example you would have an article and an author type. Also you can create predefined types which are bundled with the app. This is great because it allows users to start instantly creating the content using the predefined types. You can edit existing types and add easily new ones. Another great feature is that you can also attach your own elements. So if you need a specific element for your app and there is currently no one which matches your needs in the ZOO 2.0, you can add your own elements to the app.
Further we provide a lot of parameters which allows you to configure and extend your app. You can define basic app parameters which can be used by the app. We got content parameters which allow extending the frontpage and categories with content fields. For example you can add text, textareas and images to categories. This means that app instances of different apps can have different content fields for categories. Isn’t this awesome? It’s a CCK for the frontpage and the categories! Further apps include comments configuration, language files and the alpha index. The alpha index configuration allows you to add more individual characters to match you native language.