Joomla! 团队终于在2017年加入了自定义字段(Custom Field)的功能,目前看到自定义字段是组件形式存在,然后以插件形式嵌入方式来表现,这样在文章中就可以在任意位置插入字段并绑定在某个具体文章中。这样完美的功能应该可以解决无数个需求问题了,基于此做定制开发将不再是难事。
目前升级到Joomla! 3.7.2 不会造成原数据有影响,原有插件也不会有任何影响,不过要注意的是,PHP 5.x的版本即将在未来要被抛弃,转而采用 PHP 7.x
Warning Your PHP version, 5.6.29, is only receiving security fixes at this time from the PHP project. This means your PHP version will soon no longer be supported. We recommend planning to upgrade to a newer PHP version before it reaches end of support on 2018-12-31. Joomla will be faster and more secure if you upgrade to a newer PHP version (PHP 7.x is recommended). Please contact your host for upgrade instructions.